Jacob Falling is the creator and author of the Heir of Scars series of epic literary fantasy novels.
Jacob's work is influenced by history and literary fiction as well as fantasy and science fiction. He also works with music composition and game design to better realize and develop the world of Heir of Scars.
Born Indiana, Jacob has more recently lived in the Washington DC area and now resides in Chicago. He is married to Vanessa Bettencourt, Heir of Scars artist and fellow author (more details below!).
Vanessa is the official artist of the Heir of Scars series, as well as author and artist of a number of her own projects for children and adults, including Beyond the Cliff and Courage, Polly and the Black Ink, and the autobiographical graphic novels, Not From Brazil.
Born in the topcastle of a galleon during a crucial battle of the Conquest of Tunis, Vanessa Bettencourt is the last in a long line of Portuguese privateers.
Orphaned in her infancy and marooned on the Island of Crete, she was raised by the twin unicorn minotaurs, Galinha and Polvo, who respectively and respectfully taught her the arts of writing and painting.
After escaping the glitter-strewn labyrinth of her adoptive mythos, she returned to Lisbon, as so many did in those days, to study Kendo and acupressure.